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Updated: Jun 24, 2024

One of the most delightful things about this time of the year is the beauty of the leaves turning from green to red, orange and yellow, followed by the scrunching through piles of fallen leaves! If you haven't kicked some leaves around since childhood - go on, give a go! It's good for the soul! Chiswick Park is very beautiful at the moment and well worth a walk around. Junior and Pilates have just reminded me that you should check for hedgehogs first. The thought of piles of leaves is making them quite excited!

The LOYALTY SCHEME is picking up a-pace. You get 10 points for being a site member and 1 point for every session / class you book. Once you have 20 points you can get £5 off your next pass. It doesn't take long to build those points so get booking - the more you book the more you save!

The REFFERAL SCHEME also gives you and your friend 10 loyalty points, when they pay for a Pass. Just think, if you refer 2 friends you'll get an extra £5 off your next pass - easy! Tell them about our two GREAT Introductory passes and they will want to book instantly, giving you both rewards.

The BEST VALUE pass is the 4 ONE-TO-ONES PASS for £200. Save £80! Yes, £80! That means £50 per session! Yes, £50 each!

If your friend would like to join in the fun of a class, the INTRODUCTION TO CLASSES Pass gives them the all-important 1-1 and 3 classes for £125. Saving £35!

To make sure you don't feel left out with all the savings we are offering your friend, we have great savings on all our passes. The more you buy the more you save! We are trying to encourage you to come 2-3 times a week as we know it's more effective and you will MOVE BETTER, FEEL BETTER, LIVE BETTER as a result. The new passes are on the website. Our best One-to-One Pass will save you £80. In addition, we have started a SUPERSAVER CLASS PASS - 12 classes in a month - £19.50 per class. Save 35%! Yes, 35% Are we mad?! Use it in the studio and online - it's cheaper to buy this pass than use the 6 Online Class Pass.

If you combine your Site Member loyalty points with the SUPERSAVER points you already have 22 points and £5 off your next pass!

As some of you know, I had my laptop stolen at the end of September so I may be a little slow until I get all the systems back up and running. My apologies about this and my advice to always hide your bags in the boot of your car and always back-up your computer! I realise these are two really obvious things to say and you probably do this already, but just in case you don't. STAY SAFE!

The amazing Chiswick Park Fireworks display is on Thursday 2nd November and tickets are available to those working in the business park already and to the general public on Monday 9th October. They are snapped up very quickly so go whizz, bang, wow and get them ASAP!

Enjoy October! Time for pumpkins and soup and always more Pilates!

Keep up your levels of vitamin C & D.

Take care


Pilates Now! Studio & Online


Mobile: 07768762826

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Updated: Jun 24, 2024

Pilates Now! is 5 yeas old on 7th September! We are celebrating our 5th Anniversary with our traditional CAKE WEEK which runs 4th - 10th September. Come to a studio session and have a cake afterwards! (Sorry, technology isn't ready yet for sending cakes though the screen so this only applies to the studio.)

There is a New LOYALTY SCHEME starting, so we can reward you for coming to Pilates. Earn points with every session you attend. We all know that points mean prizes and you can get money off passes. You start earning loyalty points when you become a site member. All current site members will automatically get 10 points. Have a look at the new LOYALTY PAGE on 'My Account'.

We are also starting a REFERRAL SCHEME - publicity works best when recommended by a someone you know, so as a 'Thank you' we will give you both loyalty points when your associate buys a pass. We have two great Introductory packages on offer for new clients.

New PASSES. We all know Pilates is most effective when you do it 2 - 3 times per week and to incentivize you to come more often we have changed our Passes - the more you come, the more you save! We have new one month passes, for 4, 6 & 8 sessions.

However, we also know that life can get messy, so we have new two month passes to give you more flexibility and still save you money, for 6 & 10 sessions.

We are looking at future promotions and offers, now we have worked out how the COUPONS buttons work, so will be bringing you more money off bonuses - WATCH THIS SPACE!!

In order to give you these great offers, however, we need to raise the price of our 1-1 to £70. We haven't put our prices up for 5 years and if we had kept up with inflation, a 1-1 would cost £80, so we're still keeping the price low for you.

A single class still costs £30, but some of the Class Passes have changed prices to reflect our belief that Pilates works best when you come 2 - 3 times a week. All the passes are great value for money when you compare them to our competitors. Remember, we only have 4 participants maximum in a class - most studios have more. FEWER PARICIPANTS = MORE PERSONAL ATTENTION!

More details and information soon.

Take care and do more Pilates!


Awww! Aren't they cute?!

Spring is Sprung,

The grass is riz,

I wonder where the birdies is.

They say the birdies is on the wing,

But that's absurd,

I always thought the wing was on the bird!


We are open on Monday 1st & 8th May between 12pm - 8pm, so you can come and enjoy Bank Holiday Pilates!


  • 12 - 12.55pm - Online Pilates

  • 1.05 - 1.55pm - Reformer Mixed Ability

  • 2.15 - 3.10pm - One-to-One

  • 3.30 - 4.25pm - One-to-One

  • 4.45 - 5.40pm - One-to-One

  • 6.00 - 6.50pm - Reformer Mixed Ability

  • 7.00 - 7.50pm - Mat & Tower

Book now as places are going fast!

Find out more information by calling  07768762826
or emailing

Pilates Now! studio  is located at Virgin Active Chiswick Park, Building 3, 566 Chiswick High Rd, London W4 5YA.
You do not need to be a member of Virgin Active to come to Pilates Now!

Photography © Merrithew Corporation. Used with permission.

Pilates Now! 2024

Website made by Vigus Widdicombe Gasson

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